

Law and Order

J.S. Frankel

Customer & Industry Reviews of Law and Order

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  Review by Long and Short Reviews

The character development was fantastic, especially when it came to Paul. 

There were plenty of shocking plot twists to keep my attention as well. I especially enjoyed seeing how the author wrote the fight scenes because of how many intense twists and turns he packed into them. There were a few times when I nearly forgot to breathe for a few moments because I was so engrossed in what was happening to the characters. It was also hard to predict what he’d do next, and that made this story a lot of fun to experience.

One of the things I enjoy the most about Mr. Frankel’s tales in general is how much attention he pays to the dialogue. Law & Order was a great example of this. Once again, the characters showed off their personalities and opinions about each other in the ways that they spoke. This kind of writing makes it easy to get know the characters because each one of them has such a unique way of speaking. 

Law & Order is a must-read for longtime and brand-new fans of Mr. Frankel alike!



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